2 tim dari PEM Akamigas telah berhasil meraih prestasi juara 1 dan 3 di ajang Logistician’s Arena yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Pertamina. 2 tim ini adalah tim Kebab Vyatra dan dan tim San Bradavica Vyatra. Keduanya merupakan tim yang beranggotakan mahasiswa Logistik Minyak dan Gas PEM Akamigas.
Logistician’s Arena 2022 sendiri merupakan rangkaian kegiatan yang terdiri dari lomba study case, infografis, dan webinar nasional terkait logistik indonesia .
Tim Kebab Vyatra yang meraih juara 1 di lomba case study ini beranggotakan 3 mahasiswa program studi logistik minyak dan gas yaitu M. Kemal Ghifari, Bagaswara Wardhana dan M. Akbar Al-Bardawi. Lomb aini berfokus pada permasalahan terkait system logistic perusahaan, sehingga tema yang diangkat tim ini hingga menjadikannya juara adalah “Building A Sustainbility Trends For Third Party Logistic (3PL)“.
Kemudian Tim San Bradavica Vyatra berhasil meraih juara 3 di lomba yang sama beranggotakan Efraim Dandy Pandawa Setiaji, Tri Sutrisno Wahyu Effendi, dan M. Daffa Alfayyadh, ketiganya juga merupakan mahasiswa Program Studi Logistik Minyakdan Gas PEM Akamigas. Sedangkan juara 2 diraih tim dari Universitas Airlangga.
Proses lomba ini diawali dari registrasi dan pembagian kasus dari panita. Selanjutnya, peserta yang berasal dari berbagai perguruan tinggi ini mengumpulkan fullpapernya pada 15 Oktober 2022 untuk kemudian dipilih 5 finalis yang berasal dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, para finalis ini harus melakukan presentasi pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2022. Pengumuman juara dilakukan pada tanggal 30 Oktober 2022.
“Kami sangat bersyukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada kami untuk meraih juara 1 pada event ini. Tentunya kami juga mengucapkan terimakasih kepada teman dan dosen yang telah memberikan support. Berkat kerja sama dan keberanian tim, kami bisa meraih hasil yang terbaik, dan dengan adanya juara yang telah kami dapati ini semoga akan menumbuhkan rasa kompetisi adik-adik kami, dan menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri adik-adik kami untuk berkompetisi dengan kampus luar,” kata M. Kemal Ghifari selaku ketua tim. (drm)
WhatsApp us
Submit your site to over 1000 advertising websites for free now bit.ly/submit_site_t9qPdO4E2oF2
Hi, I sent you this message via your contact form. I can generate leads for your business using this same method, if you’re interested please reply to: [email protected]
Do you do contact form blasting to get sales? If you do I can provide you with lists of millions of verified contact forms. If you don’t I can show you how I did it on your website contact form just now and it’s easy for you to do it too. For details add me on Skype and let’s chat, my ID is: live:.cid.7aad4787a72a11d0
I’m messaging you via your contact form on your website at akamigas.ac.id. So by reading this message you just proved that contact form advertising works! Want to blast your ad to millions of contact forms? Or maybe you prefer a more targeted approach and only want to blast your ad out to websites in certain business verticals? We charge $99 to blast your ad to 1 million contact forms. Volume discounts are available. I have over 35 million contact forms. Let’s discuss, contact me via Skype here: live:.cid.7aad4787a72a11d0
Hi, I’m sending you this message via your contact form on your website at akamigas.ac.id. By reading this message you’re living proof that contact form advertising works! Do you want to blast your ad to millions of contact forms? Maybe you prefer a more targeted approach and only want to blast our ad out to websites in certain business categories? Pay just $99 to blast your ad to 1 million contact forms. Volume discounts available. I have more than 35 million contact forms. Let’s get the conversation started, contact me via Skype here: live:.cid.b4d79bd7b12c4757
Quick question to ask you… Are you aware that by reading this message you just proved that contact form marketing works? That’s right, and we can get eyeballs on your offer too! Pricing starts at just $100 to blast YOUR ad message to 1 MILLION contact forms on websites just like yours worldwide. Contact me on Skype and let’s discuss what will work for your product/service. My Skype ID: live:.cid.b4d79bd7b12c4757
this message was sent to your website contact form at: akamigas.ac.id
Quick question to ask you… Are you aware that by reading this message you just proved that contact form marketing works? That’s right, and we can get eyeballs on your offer too! Pricing starts at just $100 to blast YOUR ad message to 1 MILLION contact forms on websites just like yours worldwide. Contact me on Skype and let’s discuss what will work for your product/service. My Skype ID: live:.cid.83c9da999a4f9f
this message was sent to your website contact form at: akamigas.ac.id
Quick question to ask you… Are you aware that by reading this message you just proved that contact form marketing works? That’s right, and we can get eyeballs on your offer too! Pricing starts at just $100 to blast YOUR ad message to 1 MILLION contact forms on websites just like yours worldwide. Contact me on Skype and let’s discuss what will work for your product/service. My Skype ID: live:.cid.83c9da999a4f9f
this message was sent to your website contact form at: akamigas.ac.id
Quick question to ask you… Are you aware that by reading this message you just proved that contact form marketing works? That’s right, and we can get eyeballs on your offer too! Pricing starts at just $100 to blast YOUR ad message to 1 MILLION contact forms on websites just like yours worldwide. Contact me on Skype and let’s discuss what will work for your product/service. My Skype ID: live:.cid.83c9da999a4f9f
this message was sent to your website contact form at: akamigas.ac.id
Is this your website? akamigas.ac.id? I just sent you a message via the contact form on your site and was wondering if you wanted to try some unique advertising that reaches business owners worldwide? How do we do it? Well you just witnessed our process. We send your ad text to contact forms on websites worldwide. Plans start at a hundred dollars for posting your ad to one million sites.
I’m posting this message to your website at akamigas.ac.id to show you how effective contact form blasting is. The same way I sent you this message, I can also send your ad message to websites worldwide. You can reach a million sites for less than a hundred dollars. For info Skype me here: live:.cid.aebc78a94c13344c
I just left you this message on your website contact form at akamigas.ac.id and I have also sent it to millions of other sites. I get new customers every day using this method and so can you! For info and pricing, just reach out to me via Email here: [email protected]
Is this your website? akamigas.ac.id? I just sent you a message via the contact form on your site and was wondering if you wanted to try some unique advertising that reaches business owners worldwide? How do we do it? Well you just witnessed our process. We send your ad text to contact forms on websites worldwide. Plans start at a hundred dollars for posting your ad to one million sites. Reach out to me via Email and let’s dicuss what we can do for your business. My Skype ID is: live:.cid.dd8a3501619891fe
TimeSuite is the most advanced Construction and Project ERP ever produced.
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Fully automated percentage of completion accounting with a full job schedule that ties to the income statement.
TimeSuite is new generation.
Learn more at TimeSuite.com.
I was sending you this message on your website contact page (akamigas.ac.id) to show you how contact form advertising works. We can send messages just like these for your business to millions of sites for less than a couple of hundred dollars. Let’s get the conversation started and I’ll share pricing and more details. Hit me up on Skype for a chat now –> live:.cid.303294bd15a81bc7
I’m posting this message to your website at akamigas.ac.id to show you how effective contact form blasting is. The same way I sent you this message, I can also send your ad message to websites worldwide. You can reach a million sites for less than a hundred dollars. For info Skype me here: live:.cid.303294bd15a81bc7
If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email [email protected] or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a
If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email [email protected] or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a
P.S: Speical Offer – ONLY for 24 hours – 10 Million Sites for the same money $50
My name is Ahmet. I’m a bank staff in a Turkish bank. I’ve been looking for someone who has the same nationality as you. A citizen of your country died in the recent earthquake in Turkey, he had in our bank fixed deposit of $11.5 million.
My Bank management is yet to know of his death. If my bank executive finds out about his death ,They would use the funds for themselves and get richer and I would like to prevent that from happening only if I get your cooperation, I knew about it because I was his account manager. Last week my bank management held a meeting for the purpose of a bank audit to note the dormant and abandoned deposit accounts. I know this will happen and that’s why I’m looking for a solution to deal with this situation because if my bank discovers his death, they will divert the funds to the board of directors. I don’t want that to happen.
I request your cooperation to introduce you as the kin/heir of the account as you are of the same nationality as him. There is no risk; the transaction is carried out under a legal agreement that protects you from infringement. I suggest we split the funds, 60/40 and 40 for me. I need this fund for my daughter’s surgery so keep this info confidential. email me so i can provide you with more info [email protected]
Do you own and operate a business outside the USA? My name is Jeremy
Allen from BNF Investments LLC, a Florida based Investment Company.
We are expanding our operations outside the USA hence; we are actively
looking for serious business owners operating outside the USA who are in
need of business funding or investments in their businesses for quick
access to funding.
Get back to me if you are interested through my email:
[email protected]
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Mathew Lundgren, and I am a Research Assistant in the Research and Development Department at Newton Laboratories Pro Ltd, a leading biopharmaceutical company based in London, England. I am reaching out to explore a potential partnership opportunity.
We are currently seeking a reliable business representative in your region to assist us in sourcing essential raw materials used in the production of high-quality antiviral vaccines, cancer treatments, and other life-saving pharmaceutical products. While this may be outside of your primary area of expertise, it offers a unique opportunity to diversify your business interests and generate additional income.
Our company has been actively searching for a reputable supplier but has yet to establish a direct source.
However, I have identified a local supplier who offers the necessary materials at a significantly lower cost compared to our previous purchases. This could present a mutually beneficial opportunity for both parties.
If you are interested in learning more about the profit structure and the specifics of this potential collaboration, please feel free to reach out.
I would be happy to provide additional details at your convenience.
Thank you for considering this partnership, and I look forward to your response.
Mathew Lundgren
Research & Dev Dept
Newton Laboratories Pro Ltd UK
2 Kensington High Street,
London, England, W8 4PT
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Are you still looking at getting your website done/ completed? Contact [email protected]
Struggling to rank on Google? Our SEO experts can help. Contact [email protected]
My name is James Broderick, and I am an attorney at Broderick & Associates LLP based in Canada. I am reaching out to discuss matters concerning your late relative payable on death.
Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience at the email address provided below for more information regarding their payable on death policy. Trust me it is something worthwhile you would like to hear.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Contact me through my email to share more information with you about the payable on death. [email protected]
Best regards,
James Broderick
If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email [email protected] or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a
P.S: Speical Offer – ONLY for 24 hours – 10 Million Sites for the same money $50
Hey there,
Hope you’re well. I believe your business deserves more visibility.
We’re offering a free article on Benzinga, which has over 14M+ visitors—a great way to build credibility for your brand and boost exposure at no cost.
In addition, for only $297, we’ll publish your brand on affiliates of FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, and over 300 other news sites. Imagine the exposure your brand could gain!
This offer is limited to the first 10 people who reply, so if you’d like to take advantage of your free Benzinga article, simply reply with “”YES, I would like to be featured in Benzinga!””
I’d be happy to help your business get the recognition it deserves.
PR Boost
Should you no longer want to receive emails from this address in the future, please respond to this message with the text: “No, thank you”.
If you’ve fallen victim to an investment scam and lost money, you’re not alone. Scammers are becoming more sophisticated, but there is hope. Our team specializes in helping individuals like you recover lost funds through legal avenues and professional recovery services.
Don’t let the scam define your future. Contact us today for a confidential consultation. We’ll guide you step-by-step and work hard to help you reclaim what you’ve lost. Click here http://www.madacovi.co for more details
Take action now. You deserve justice and a chance to move forward.
Best regards,
Gerard Williams
Madacovi Limited
[email protected]
I am a senior web developer, highly skilled and with 10+ years of collective web design and development experience, I work in one of the best web development company.
My hourly rate is $8
My expertise includes:
Website design – custom mockups and template designs
Website design and development – theme development, backend customisation
Responsive website – on all screen sizes and devices
Plugins and Extensions Development
Website speed optimisation and SEO on-page optimisation
Website security
Website migration, support and maintenance
If you have a question or requirement to discuss, I would love to help and further discuss it. Please email me at [email protected]
[email protected]
Hi Mate,
“Traffic down, rankings down, revenue down, business down.”
“Just as the new broad core update is rolling out, sales vanished while traffic is way up.”
“We are free falling.”
“Yes, looks like a drop. Ad revenue record low for November.”
“Big drop today. -40%.”
“Yeah, a very big drop today. Seems like Google wants to ensure that they don’t lose any piece of the Christmas shopping cake.”
“Anyone else seeing big changes for their sites at the moment? Traffic for our Indonesian speaking main site is down by nearly 50%”
Well, Google, hit you hard again, didn’t it?
If the above SEO chatter regarding the November 2024 Core Update hits a little too close to home then know this…
We stand by you.
We stand by you like always and are happy to report that we have massacred the Update of Google November 2024 Core Update.
As soon as the update hit the web, me and my team hit the SEO lab and started testing thousands of websites for various permutations and combinations.
We are happy to share the fruits of labour with you so your money site doesn’t have to labour for revenue this Black Friday.
Come, take a bite at it. Contact me at [email protected]
[email protected]
My name is James Broderick, and I am an attorney at Broderick & Associates LLP based in Canada. I am reaching out to discuss matters concerning your late relative payable on death sum of Eleven Million Eight Hundred Thousand, Twenty United States Dollars ($11,800,020.00).
Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience at the email address provided below for more information regarding their payable on death policy. Trust me it is something worthwhile you would like to hear.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. Contact me through my email to share more information with you about the payable on death. [email protected]
Best regards,
James Broderick
I just visited akamigas.ac.id and wondered if you’d ever thought about having an engaging video to explain what you do?
Our prices start from just $195.
Let me know if you’re interested in seeing samples of our previous work.
Hi akamigas.ac.id owner,
I hope you’re doing well.
I’m reaching out from Virgo T3. We are looking to purchase backlinks from high-quality websites like yours, and after reviewing your site, we believe there’s a great opportunity for us to collaborate.
We are willing to pay for placing a link on your website that points to one of our high-quality resources. The payment will be based on the metrics of your site, and we are happy to discuss the terms further to ensure it works for both of us.
Here are the details:
Link Type: Contextual Backlink, within a blog post, etc.
Payment: We will compensate you based on your site’s metrics (e.g., traffic, DA, etc.).
Content: We will provide a nicely written/ High quality copyscape passed content.
If you’re interested, please let me know, and we can discuss the details and arrange payment accordingly.
Looking forward to hearing from you! Email me at [email protected]
Best regards,
[email protected]
My name is Ahmet. I’m a bank staff in a Turkish bank. I’ve been looking for someone who has the same nationality as you. A citizen of your country died in the recent earthquake in Turkey, he had in our bank fixed deposit of $11.5 million.
My Bank management is yet to know of his death. If my bank executive finds out about his death ,They would use the funds for themselves and get richer and I would like to prevent that from happening only if I get your cooperation, I knew about it because I was his account manager. Last week my bank management held a meeting for the purpose of a bank audit to note the dormant and abandoned deposit accounts. I know this will happen and that’s why I’m looking for a solution to deal with this situation because if my bank discovers his death, they will divert the funds to the board of directors. I don’t want that to happen.
I request your cooperation to introduce you as the kin/heir of the account as you are of the same nationality as him. There is no risk; the transaction is carried out under a legal agreement that protects you from infringement. I suggest we split the funds, 60/40 and 40 for me. I need this fund for my daughter’s surgery so keep this info confidential. email me so i can provide you with more information. [email protected]
Hi there,
We run a TikTok growth service, where we can increase your follower count safely and practically.
– Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 700-1500 new followers each month.
– Real, human followers who follow because they are interested in your profile/videos.
– Safe: All actions are done without using any automated tasks / bots.
Our price is just $60 (USD) per month and we can start immediately.
If you are interested then we can discuss further.
Kind Regards,
A remote job opportunity for a Law Firm, the role of a Payment/Deposit Handler. This position involves managing payments and deposits, ensuring accurate processing, and maintaining financial record. This position is only for candidates based in the US.
Job location: USA
Weekly wages: $2,150 per week.
We are looking for a detail-oriented individual with a good background and no criminal record.
If you are interested in joining our team, please send an email to get more details [email protected]
Are you still looking at getting your website done/ completed? Contact [email protected]
Struggling to rank on Google? Our SEO experts can help. Contact [email protected]
We improve MOZ Domain authority 30+ in 15 Days its help to improve google rank, improve your website SEO, and you get traffic from google
DA – 0 to 30 – (Only $29) – Yes, Limited time !!
>> 100% Guarantee
>> Improve Ranking
>> White Hat Process
>> Permanent Work
>> 100% Manual Work
>> 0% Spam score increase
⚡ From our work your website keyword get rank on google and get organic traffic from google through keywords
Contact now: [email protected]
If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email [email protected] or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a
P.S: Speical Offer – ONLY for 24 hours – 10 Million Sites for the same money $50
My name is Ahmet. I’m a bank staff in a Turkish bank. I’ve been looking for someone who has the same nationality as you. A citizen of your country died in the recent earthquake in Turkey, he had in our bank fixed deposit of $11.5 million.
My Bank management is yet to know of his death. If my bank executive finds out about his death ,They would use the funds for themselves and get richer and I would like to prevent that from happening only if I get your cooperation, I knew about it because I was his account manager. Last week my bank management held a meeting for the purpose of a bank audit to note the dormant and abandoned deposit accounts. I know this will happen and that’s why I’m looking for a solution to deal with this situation because if my bank discovers his death, they will divert the funds to the board of directors. I don’t want that to happen.
I request your cooperation to introduce you as the kin/heir of the account as you are of the same nationality as him. There is no risk; the transaction is carried out under a legal agreement that protects you from infringement. I suggest we split the funds, 60/40 and 40 for me. I need this fund for my daughter’s surgery so keep this info confidential. email me so i can provide you with more information. [email protected]
At Cloud Animations, we specialize in high-quality 2D/3D animation, CGI/VFX, and motion graphics.
With 60+ experts and advanced tech-driven animation, we deliver faster turnarounds and exceptional results for today’s and tomorrow’s brands.
From explainer videos to architectural visualization, motion graphics, anime, and 3D animation, we redefine narratives with groundbreaking results.
Let’s collaborate and hit the home run!
[email protected]
(332) 208-1772
Struggling to rank on Google? Our high-quality backlink services will push your site to the top. Trusted by businesses worldwide! Start now and watch your traffic soar!
We Create 1200 Backlinks for you in Just $12
> Boost Google Ranking
Get HIGH-QUALITY backlinks for any website
Backlink works for GMB, MAP, Youtube Videos ALSO
Backlinks from Blogs, Wiki Articles, Social BookMarking etc
Report within 10 days
Boost Your Website Visitor And REVENUE
Contact us at [email protected]
We will create a custom website design tailored to your specific business needs,
which are of the highest quality at affordable prices.
Just message me at [email protected]
Services Offered by us :-
1. Website Design
2. Graphics Design
3. Seo Services
4. eCommerce Development
5. Mobile App development
6. Explainer Video
7. Article Writing
8. Website Fixing
9. Website Traffic
Just message me at [email protected]
Kind Regards
I am a senior web developer, highly skilled and with 10+ years of collective web design and development experience, I work in one of the best web development company.
My hourly rate is $8
My expertise includes:
Website design – custom mockups and template designs
Website design and development – theme development, backend customisation
Responsive website – on all screen sizes and devices
Plugins and Extensions Development
Website speed optimisation and SEO on-page optimisation
Website security
Website migration, support and maintenance
If you have a question or requirement to discuss, I would love to help and further discuss it. Please email me at [email protected]
[email protected]
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Mathew, and I am a Research Assistant in the Research and Development Department one of the leading biopharmaceutical company based in London, England. I am reaching out to explore a potential partnership opportunity.
We are currently seeking a reliable business representative in your region to assist us in sourcing essential raw materials used in the production of high-quality antiviral vaccines, cancer treatments, and other life-saving pharmaceutical products. While this may be outside of your primary area of expertise, it offers a unique opportunity to diversify your business interests and generate additional income.
Our company has been actively searching for a reputable supplier but has yet to establish a direct source.
However, I have identified a local supplier who offers the necessary materials at a significantly lower cost compared to our previous purchases. This could present a mutually beneficial opportunity for both parties.
If you are interested in learning more about the profit structure and the specifics of this potential collaboration, please feel free to reach out.
I would be happy to provide additional details at your convenience.
Thank you for considering this partnership, and I look forward to your response.
Mathew Lundgren
Research & Dev Dept
Email: [email protected]
Would you like this New Year to be the year you let go of your hurtful past? Make the resolution to make the change to become your Best Self.
Have you heard of Se-REM? (Self effective – Rapid Eye Movement). Many people don’t know that REM brain activity dramatically improves the processing of traumatic emotion. It creates peace and empowers the listener. Se-REM is an advanced version of EMDR therapy. It is more powerful because it combines elements of 6 different therapies, EMDR, hypnosis, mindfulness, Gestalt child within work, music therapy, and Awe therapy, (connecting profoundly with nature). Classical music alternates between the ears to enhance daydreaming and visualizing in ways you have never experienced.
It has helped thousands of people overcome PTSD, and anxiety. But it is also helpful in a great many situations, any experience that has been traumatic. Se-REM’s mission statement is “Trauma relief at as close to free as possible”. This not-for-profit program downloads to a smart phone or computer and can be used at home.
Read and download at: Se-REM.com. Once you own the program, you are encouraged to give it away to others who will benefit.
Se-REM.com is in use in 33 countries.
Impact Explainers specializes in high-quality 2D/3D animation, CGI/VFX, and motion graphics. With a team of 60+ experts and cutting-edge technology, we deliver exceptional results and fast turnarounds.
Use animation to enhance sales, marketing, business intros, product mock-ups, YouTube videos, social media ads, or demo videos. Whether it’s architectural visualization, motion graphics, anime, or explainer videos, we bring your ideas to life with groundbreaking results.
Explore our portfolio or chat with us at http://www.impactexplainer.com. You can also email us at [email protected] or call (332) 222-4058. Let’s create something amazing together!
Ellen Smith
[email protected]
(332) 222-4058
Do you own and operate a business outside the USA? My name is Jeremy Allen from BNF Investments LLC, a Florida based Investment Company.
We are expanding our operations outside the USA hence; we are actively looking for established serious business owners operating outside the USA who are in need of business expansion financing or investments in their businesses for quick access to funding.
Get back to me if you are interested through my email: [email protected]
Jeremy Allen
Florida, USA.
We improve MOZ Domain authority 30+ in 15 Days its help to improve google rank, improve your website SEO, and you get traffic from google
DA – 0 to 30 – (Only $29) – Yes, Limited time !!
>> 100% Guarantee
>> Improve Ranking
>> White Hat Process
>> Permanent Work
>> 100% Manual Work
>> 0% Spam score increase
⚡ From our work your website keyword get rank on google and get organic traffic from google through keywords
Contact now: [email protected]
I am a senior web developer, highly skilled and with 10+ years of collective web design and development experience, I work in one of the best web development company.
My hourly rate is $8
My expertise includes:
Website design – custom mockups and template designs
Website design and development – theme development, backend customisation
Responsive website – on all screen sizes and devices
Plugins and Extensions Development
Website speed optimisation and SEO on-page optimisation
Website security
Website migration, support and maintenance
If you have a question or requirement to discuss, I would love to help and further discuss it. Please email me at [email protected]
[email protected]
If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email [email protected] or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a
P.S: Speical Offer – ONLY for 24 hours – 10 Million Sites for the same money $50
SAVE up to 37% on SEO! FREE Onsite SEO + TRANSPARENT link building at COST PRICE with just a 20% fee. Result: Expect a 214% increase in NEW customers on long term! Contact us now at [email protected]
My name is Ahmet. I’m a bank staff in a Turkish bank. I’ve been looking for someone who has the same nationality as you. A citizen of your country died in the recent earthquake in Turkey, he had in our bank fixed deposit of $11.5 million.
My Bank management is yet to know of his death. If my bank executive finds out about his death ,They would use the funds for themselves and get richer and I would like to prevent that from happening only if I get your cooperation, I knew about it because I was his account manager. Last week my bank management held a meeting for the purpose of a bank audit to note the dormant and abandoned deposit accounts. I know this will happen and that’s why I’m looking for a solution to deal with this situation because if my bank discovers his death, they will divert the funds to the board of directors. I don’t want that to happen.
I request your cooperation to introduce you as the kin/heir of the account as you are of the same nationality as him. There is no risk; the transaction is carried out under a legal agreement that protects you from infringement. I suggest we split the funds, 60/40 and 40 for me. I need this fund for my daughter’s surgery so keep this info confidential. email me so i can provide you with more information. [email protected]
Hi there,
We run a Youtube growth service, where we can increase your subscriber count safely and practically.
– Guaranteed: We guarantee to gain you 700-1500 new subscribers each month.
– Real, human subscribers who subscribe because they are interested in your channel/videos.
– Safe: All actions are done, without using any automated tasks / bots.
Our price is just $60 (USD) per month and we can start immediately.
If you are interested then we can discuss further.
Kind Regards,